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Ultra Gravel Latvia race report

Race overview from the inside as a participant

Ultra Gravel Latvia race report

Apkārt Latvijai first appeared on the gravel stage in 2021 and amazed the participants with impressive landscapes, challenging weather, difficult routes and a great combination of race atmosphere. Returning to 2024 with a new name — Ultra Gravel Latvia, the event promised to be wider and faster than ever. The author of this article, along with other participants, traveled by train to the east of Latvia to join the upcoming race.

The weather did not disappoint, and in the May sun the temperature even reached up to +25C. The race started at a high pace and already in the first 20 km a breakthrough of the leaders was formed. At the first checkpoint in Preiļi, after 126 km of the track, the driver arrived quite compactly with an average speed of 27-28 km/h. A little rest, refreshing drinks and on the road again. In the next 160 km to checkpoint no. 2 in Valle, the group was rearranged and two leaders emerged, whose duel also determined the winner of the race. In the middle of the course, I had to make a strategic decision whether to continue riding through the night or to take a break and continue from early morning.

After 4 hours of sleep, I felt rested and Ibai Fradejas Garcia and I continued the race. At control point No. 3 Auce after 145 km we met Jānis Vaitkevics and we agreed to do the remaining part of the race 151 km as a trio. This was a good decision for all of us, because individually we didn't have much strength left, but together we could do the remaining track easier and more fun!

The total time on the track is 33 hours, 585 km, driving time 23 hours average speed 25.7 km/h, all thanks to the cooperation with the rest of the racers and the excellent gravel bike SPIDER from De Rosa.

Ultra Gravel Latvjia was a great experience for tactics in ultra races, planning and friendship that can be gained in such events. I am 100% happy with the result achieved.

Janis Karkliņš

bike enthusiast

Article last edited May 07. 2024.


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